Deutsche Bank’s Downsizing: 3,500 Layoffs Expected as Deal-Making Declines


Deutsche Bank, the largest bank in Germany, has recently made an announcement that it plans to cut 3,500 positions worldwide by the end of 2019. This move from Deutsche Bank comes as a response to a decline in deal-making activity, which has been observed by several financial institutions after the rise in interest rates. The majority of the bank’s seven thousand British employees work in the cities of London and Birmingham, which has raised concerns about potential layoffs impacting the UK.

The bank, which currently has 90,000 employees globally, has also recently made a strong move in the United Kingdom by acquiring Numis, a prominent investment bank in the country. However, despite this acquisition, it is unclear whether the layoffs will actually affect the UK operations of Deutsche Bank. According to Thursday’s news, it is likely that those employees who do not directly engage with clients will be the ones to face the unfortunate consequences of these layoffs.

When Christian Sewing assumed the position of CEO in 2018, he was tasked with the mission of improving the financial situation of the bank by strengthening its retail sector. One of the steps taken towards achieving this goal was the implementation of pay reductions for bank employees, in an effort to streamline operations and appease investors.

The decline in deal-making activity and the reduced number of takeovers and share offerings in the industry have significantly impacted the income of banks, including Deutsche Bank. This decline in industry income has hit many banks hard, leading to a decrease in their staffing levels. Citigroup and Goldman Sachs are among the major banks that have already eliminated positions, while Barclays, one of the largest banks in the UK, laid off 5,000 workers globally in 2017. There are expectations that Barclays will further cut its workforce, as they are set to inform investors later this month about potential additional layoffs.

The decrease in transaction activity has been observed not only in the UK but also in major financial centers like the City of London and Wall Street. As a result, many businesses in these areas have had to reduce their staffing levels. This decline in deal-making activity has had a significant impact on the financial sector, as banks often rely on substantial fees earned from mediating large financial agreements.

The announcement of these layoffs at Deutsche Bank is reflective of the ongoing challenges faced by the banking industry globally. Rising interest rates, reduced deal-making activity, and declining industry income have forced many financial institutions to reevaluate their operations and cut costs. The impact of these layoffs on the affected employees and their families cannot be overstated, as job security is becoming increasingly uncertain in the banking sector. It remains to be seen how the industry will respond to these challenges and what measures will be taken to stabilize the situation for both the banks and their employees.